A Comprehensive Guide to Tattoo Aftercare


Now you’ve got that fresh skin-sticker, how do you look after it?
Your tattoo is essentially an open wound on your body, so following the recommended aftercare instructions closely is incredibly important to avoid infections and complications throughout healing.

Immediately after your tattoo…
Your artist will wrap your tattoo, either in glad-wrap, or in ‘second-skin’ breathable medical wrap. Your artist will provide instructions on how and when to remove any wraps on your tattoos, but…

If your tattoo is wrapped in glad-wrap, this can be removed as soon as you get home. Once removed, wash your tattoo with lukewarm water and antibacterial soap. There is no need for creams over the first 1-3 days of your tattoo as it dries out. 

If your tattoo is wrapped in second-skin, this can be left on for 2-5 days depending on how well it remains on your skin. After 5 days, it can be removed in the shower under hot water by peeling away from the centre of the body. It is completely normal for ink and bodily fluids to collect inside of the second-skin, creating a blister-type effect. Do not pop the second skin to remove this build-up unless you can remove it.

2 - 5 days after your tattoo…
We recommend allowing your tattoo to dry out, meaning you should use little to no moisturiser in these days. If the scabbing/dryness is causing discomfort, a small amount of scent-free cream (Hustle Butter, pawpaw, etc.) can be used to alleviate discomfort. Your tattoo should be washed only once per day with unscented antibacterial soap, and you should pat your tattoo dry with a clean towel to avoid tearing off any scabs that are forming.

1 - 2 weeks after your tattoo…
Here are some general ‘rules’ for the weeks following your tattoo:
- do not soak your tattoo
- do not over moisturise your tattoo (dry is good!)
- do not over-expose your tattoo to sunlight
- do not pick the scabs! this can cause drop-out and scarring
- do not itch the area (salt sprays can be useful in alleviating itch discomfort)

How long does it take to heal?
Generally, most tattoos that do not experience healing complications will be fully healed within 2 - 4 weeks.

Why is it scabby?
Scabbing is a natural part of the healing process for tattoos, and while it might look a little gnarly, scabs are completely normal and a sign of good healing.

What abnormalities should I look out for?
Some things that may be a concern in your healing process are:
- pimples or bumps forming around the area, indicating infection
- burning sensations or excessive heat radiating from the area
- excessive moisture without intentionally moisturising the tattoo
- pus or other discharge

Please feel free to contact us immediately if you have any concerns about how your tattoo is healing.