Everything You Need to Know About…

Face, Finger & Hand Tattoos


Our artists reserve the right to refuse face, finger, and hand tattoos at anytime and only accept these tattoos on a case-by-case basis.

Tattooing your face, hands, or fingers can seem like a great idea at first, especially when you see a picture of a fresh set of knuckle-busters that gives you an itch that can only be scratched by a tattoo… However, the reality of face, finger, and hand tattoos can be pretty different, and sometimes confronting. Managing your expectations as a client seeking a face, finger or hand tattoo is important to ensure the end result meets your desired outcome.

Here’s why our artists may refuse to do your face, finger or hand tattoo:

Healing Complications 

Tattoos are considered an open wound, meaning they are susceptible to being exposed to bacteria the same way any other cut or scrape would be. Every single day, humans come into contact with infinite numbers of bacteria. Because the hands, fingers, and face are the most frequently bared parts of the body, these areas have an increased risk of meeting unfavourable bacteria that can create infection.

These infections can create healing complications which can compromise the integrity of the intended tattoo design. Excessive healing complications can create drop-out, blur, and even scarring. These tattoos often require multiple touch-ups and rarely hold the ‘freshness’ that tend to draw people in.

Placement Vs. Design

Sometimes, the tattoo design you’re looking for just won’t translate well into your desired placements. If your artist is not confident that the tattoo will look good once healed, they will not proceed with tattooing you in such an exposed area, especially if the previously mentioned healing complications could be detrimental to the design. 

Social Ideals

Unfortunately, despite a centuries-long history, tattooing can still be considered taboo by some individuals and communities. If you’re seeking a face, hand, or finger tattoo and you do not have other tattoos, our artists will likely ask you to reconsider the placement, or ask you to wait until you have more tattoos. There's a reason that these tattoos have received the unfortunate name of ‘job-stoppers’ - and while we are a judgement-free studio, our artists maintain a duty of care when it comes to greater considerations such as the placement of your tattoos, and remain conscious of these additional elements to consider. Please do not take it personally if your artist refuses to tattoo your face, hands or fingers.